Needing an RPG blogger to help with GitUo articles (Gaming in the Universe of…)

Good Day.

Due in no small part to my current day job taking more time than the last one did, my posting schedule has gone from daily to erratic.  I find myself back-logged on articles that need to be written for reviews that have already been finished.  Looking at my schedule, I ask myself do I want to cut writing, playing, or family time?

As playing time and family time are usually the same (RPG is a family experience in the V.S. household).  Writing time is the one that gets cut first.  Since I am cutting into writing time, I had to take stock of what is it that I really want to write.  I didn’t want to give up my RPG/fan fic  and I didn’t want to give up the family movie reviews.  What has fallen by the wayside has been the GitUo articles.

What I’m looking for is an RPG blogger who’d like to take on the GitUo articles for the movies has reviewed by the V.S. household.  I’ll write the review and you would write the GitUo article.  If you have your own blog we would post reciprocal links in the articles.  If you do not currently have your own blog I will happily post the articles here.

Contact me through replies, e-mail or Facebook if interested.


  1. I would enjoy taking a stab at this. Wanna do a trial run and see if our styles mesh? You have my email and my blog, just let me know.


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