15 things you may or may not know about Star Trek

from Fork Party

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  1. Nope. There’s nothing wrong with split infinitives. English is not Latin. Utter fallacy.

  2. Split infinitives are not grammatically incorrect. That idea was created by writers of early English grammars who based their works on Latin grammars and since you can’t split your infinitives in Latin, they demanded that people not split them in English, either. Grammars are supposed to describe the common usage of a language, not saddle it with rules from other languages.

  3. Actually, the orbiter was going to be named that, but thousands of people wrote in insisting the FIRST shuttle be named that, so they buckled and renamed the prototype the Enterprise. the first actual shuttle that was capable of leaving the atmosphere was then renamed Columbia. NASA geeks were thus foiled by thousands of ignorant trekkies. I’m also curious if the Oxford Dictionary draws the distinction between trekkies and trekkers.

  4. clarification: that is not to say that trekkies tend to be ignorant, only that in this particular instance, apparently thousands of trekkies and trekkers didn’t have all the facts, and inadvertently screwed themselves out of their intent.

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