Star Trek: Between the Episodes #242

Star Trek: Between the Episodes #242
Movie Date Night / B’Elanna Nitpicks Star Wars

Prev #241 Deep Thoughts with Chief O’Brien – Next #243 Starfleet Procurement Messed Up Again

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  1. The same Jedi who remembered that Tatooine is ruled by the Hutts, not the Empire, who had little to no interest in the planet (they were on Mos Eisley to look for the Death Star plans).

    Luke is never referred as “Luke Skywalker” in Episode 4, until after he permanently left Tatooine, and met Leia for the first time on the Death Star.

  2. An interesting bit of trivia, the reason Luke is never referred to as Luke Skywalker early in Star Wars is that the script still called him Luke Starkiller. Lucas changed his mind during filming and edited out any mention of Starkiller .

  3. This is well known in regards to production, but in-universe, it’s established in the canon comics that Luke was only known by his true surname, to close friends—when questioning people on Mos Eisley, the townspeople made it clear that they had no idea who the pilot was, who accompanied Ben Kenobi.

    Only one person who upon interrogation and torture, who also knew Biggs and co, had any idea of who Luke was.

    Luke was not well known on Tatooine, and lived away from the nearest towns, so his being hidden there, was quite logical, especially as the place Vader would associate with one of his most painful memories: losing his mother, hence Vader would avoid that planet for that reason alone.

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