Nitpicking Star Trek: Lower Decks – TAS Is Also Canon

Nitpicking Star Trek: Lower Decks “No Small Parts” S1 Ep10
Star Trek: the Animated Series
Star Trek: the Original Series “Return of the Archons” S1 Ep22

This is for the Naysayers. We here at the Nitpicker’s Guild have never thought TAS or Lower Decks was anything BUT canon. We proved that Lower Decks is canon by finding Mariner in the background of the TNG episode “The First Duty” (S5 Ep19).

Here we see Commander Ransom looking at Kirk and Spock presumably during their original mission to Beta III (Return of the Archons S1 Ep22). We have dutifully looked at screencaps from each episode of TAS and did not find the image seen on Ransom’s PADD. This is a new image confirming the look of Kirk and Spock in animated form. Hence TAS has been proven canon onscreen as well.

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