Pop Culture References of Wizard101: Lemuria – Skeletaur

The Heroes(?) of Lemuria Part10.


Skeletaur – Skeletor

Skeletaur is the main instructor at Castle Grayschool, a preforming arts academy wherein the students learn to play the music of the Founder. Skeltaur has lured the best musicians from among the Lemurs away and it is up to you to save them.

Skeletaur’s Monsterology Tome listing states: One day, he will be Master of the Spiralverse or whatever. He probably won’t be, but it’s good to dream.


Skeletor is a fictional character and the main antagonist of the Masters of the Universe franchise created by Mattel, serving as the archenemy of He-Man. He is typically depicted as a blue-skinned humanoid who wears a purple hood over his bare-bone skull. Skeletor is determined to gain the powers of Castle Grayskull and rule the universe; however, the incompetence of his henchmen is always an impediment to achieving his ambitions.

These articles on the Heroes of Lemuria are what got me started on my quest to catalog all of the pop culture references in Wizard101. This is the tenth of sixteen Lemurian articles put together to allow younger players to see the inspirations for characters and creatures within this wonderful game .

Text for this article has been excerpted from the wiki articles linked above.

Skeletaur image is from Wizard101, and so is copyright of KingsIsle Entertainment.
It is being used in a way that qualifies as fair use under US copyright law.

Skeletor is a TM and (c) of Mattel. Skeletor image is from the 1983 cartoon series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (c) 1983 Filmation and Mattel

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