Pop Culture References of Wizard101: Celestia – Zeke Quest, Lounging Lizards

Zeke Quest Celestia
The Lounging Lizards – The Lounge Lizards


Zeke has come a-runnin’ to help dat dere family of Lounge Lizards. He needs you ta lend a hand an’ round up the pack o’ Lounge Lizards.

The Lounge Lizards were an eclectic musical group founded by saxophonist John Lurie and his brother, pianist Evan Lurie, in 1978. Initially known for their ironic, tongue-in-cheek take on jazz, The Lounge Lizards eventually became a showcase for John Lurie’s sophisticated compositions straddling jazz and many other genres. They were active until about 1998 with the Lurie brothers as the only constant members, though many leading New York City based musicians were members of the group.

The group’s name was borrowed from American slang. A lounge lizard is typically depicted as a well-dressed man who frequents the establishments in which the rich gather with the intention of seducing a wealthy woman with his flattery and deceptive charm.

At its founding, the band consisted of John Lurie and Evan Lurie, guitarist Arto Lindsay, bassist Steve Piccolo, and percussionist Anton Fier. They released a self-titled album on EG Records in 1981. The album included two Thelonious Monk covers.

Lounge Lizard album cover 1981

I cannot find any information that the Lounge Lizards ever charted a song on any American or British chart. Among their fans Bob the Bob from the album Voice of Chunk, is consistently listed as the best Lounge Lizards song. The video and song remind me of the opening to the TV sitcom Taxi.

Text for this article is excerpted from the linked wiki pages

Prospector Zeke and Lounging Lizard images are from Wizard101, and are copyright of KingsIsle Entertainment.

The Lounge Lizards album cover image is borrowed from Wikipedia and is copyright E.G. Records

Image usage qualifies as fair use under US copyright law.

The other Zeke quest references can be found here.

Pop Culture References of Wizard101 by Spiral world
Wizard City

and the rest of the Zeke Quests

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