Pop Culture References of Wizard101: Azteca – Tzapotec

Tzapotec – The Zapotec civilization


After questioning many of the inhabitants of Pitch Black Lake to no avail you find this crab. Tzapotec may have information concerning someone who knows a secret entrance to the Pyramid of Mother Moon, Ozel Underwater Cat.

The Zapotec civilization (Be’ena’a (Zapotec) “The People”; c. 700 BC–1521 AD) was an indigenous pre-Columbian civilization that flourished in the Valley of Oaxaca in Mesoamerica. Archaeological evidence shows that their culture originated at least 2,500 years ago. The Zapotec archaeological site at the ancient city of Monte Albán has monumental buildings, ball courts, magnificent tombs and grave goods, including finely worked gold jewelry. Monte Albán was one of the first major cities in Mesoamerica. It was the center of a Zapotec state that dominated much of the territory which today is known as the Mexican state of Oaxaca.

Map showing the extent of Zapotec Empire

The current list of all the (known) Azteca references are located here.

Although I am well versed in Pop Culture references, I do not claim to have caught them all. Let me know your favorites in the comments and if I’ve missed one you caught, let me know so I can add it to the list.

Text for this article is excerpted from the linked wiki pages.

Tzapotec image is from Wizard101, and is copyright of KingsIsle Entertainment.

Zapotec map image is borrowed from Wikipedia and it is in the public domain.

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