Why do I love playing Wizard101? – A W101 Extra Credit Article

Why do I love playing Wizard101?

I could wax eloquently about my love for the game going all the way back to 2009, but I cover that in my intro to the pop culture articles. I could mention all the pop culture references (and I do on a daily basis).

I could mention how it tickles my fancy every time I catch one of those pop culture references, but I mention that in my top 10 article.

I will mention that my grandkids live half a continent away (I’m in the midwest and they live near the East Coast). When I was but a lad my parents moved us a whole two hours away from Grandma and Grandpa. I went from seeing them every day to a monthly letter and once-a-week phone call. With video chat and Wizard101, I get to spend time daily with my grandkids. And THAT is why I enjoy playing Wizard101.

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