Pop Culture References of Wizard101: Khrysalis – Aemon Nighteyes

Aemon Nighteyes – Aemon, the maester at Castle Black

Aemon NightEyes

Aemon NightEyes is a Burrower who resides in Last Wood’s Pepper Grass Nook village. He is one of the three blind mice brothers. Unlike Romo NightEyes and Geordi NightEyes, Aemon NightEyes avoided capture during the invasion by the Umbra Legion.

Geordi Nighteyes wants you to place Aemon’s music box under the Harmony Tree in Peppergrass Nook. Aemon, upon hearing the music box is prepared to thwack you. He is overjoyed to discover his brothers are still alive.

Aemon was born into House Targaryen. He was the second son of King Maekar I and Lady Dyanna Dayne. Originally known as Prince Aemon Targaryen, he was not his father’s eldest son, so he eventually joined the Order of Maesters. Aemon gave up all rights to inheritance when he took his vows, which also included relinquishing his surname “Targaryen”.

Maester Aemon

Aemon was the maester at Castle Black in service of the Night’s Watch. He was among Lord Commander Jeor Mormont’s closest advisors.

He was born Aemon Targaryen and was the last known Targaryen in Westeros. He was the great-uncle of Daenerys Targaryen, and unbeknownst to him, the great-great uncle of Jon Snow. Aemon’s origins have long been forgotten by most, as he remained dedicated to his vows as a Maester and a brother of the Night’s Watch for many decades.

The current list of all the (known) Khrysalis references can be found here.

Although I am well versed in Pop Culture references but I do not claim to have caught them all. Let me know your favorites in the comments and if I’ve missed one you caught, let me know so I can add it to the list.

Text for this article is excerpted from the linked wiki pages

Aemon Nighteyes image is from Wizard101, and is copyright of KingsIsle Entertainment.

Maester Aemon image is copyright HBO Entertainment

Image usage qualifies as fair use under US copyright law.

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