Pop Culture References of Wizard101: Lemuria – Solomon Crane

Heroes of Lemuria Part 5
Solomon Crane – Solomon Kane

Solomon Crane

Solomon Crane is one of the Old One’s Heroes. He protected the Night Forest.

“Who am I? Why, dear friend, I am he who should be asking thee who thou art indeed. For I am a hero in this land. A fighter for justice amidst the unjust, for the primal, inexorable causes which glue all societies together. Or at least that is my intent. It is admittedly taking me some time to grasp the fundamentals of my calling. Oh, but what a cad I am! Call me… Solomon Crane.”

Solomon Crane

Solomon Kane is a fictional character created by the pulp-era writer Robert E. Howard who also created Conan the Barbarian and Allan Quatermain. A late-16th-to-early-17th century Puritan, Solomon Kane is a somber-looking man who wanders the world with no apparent goal other than to vanquish evil in all its forms. His adventures, published mostly in the pulp magazine Weird Tales, often take him from Europe to the jungles of Africa and back.

Solomon Kane

Howard described him as a tall, sombre and gloomy man of pale skin, gaunt face and cold eyes, all of it shadowed by a slouch hat. He is dressed entirely in black and his weaponry usually consists of a rapier, a dirk, and a brace of flintlock pistols. During one of his later adventures his friend N’Longa, an African shaman, gave him a juju staff that served as a protection against evil but could easily be wielded as a weapon. It is revealed in another story, “The Footfalls Within”, that this is the mythical Staff of Solomon, a talisman older than the Earth and unimaginably powerful, much more so than even N’Longa knew. In the same adventure with N’Longa, Kane is seen using a musket as well.

These articles on the Heroes of Lemuria are what got me started on my quest to catalog all of the pop culture references in Wizard101. This is the fifth of sixteen Lemurian articles put together to allow younger players (I’m in my 50s and had only a passing familiarity with most of the references) to see the inspirations for characters and creatures within this wonderful game .

Text for this article has been excerpted from the wiki articles linked above.

Solomon Crane image is from Wizard101, and so is copyright of KingsIsle Entertainment.
It is being used in a way that qualifies as fair use under US copyright law.

Trademark on the name Solomon Kane and the names of Robert E. Howard’s other principal characters are claimed by Paradox Entertainment of Stockholm, Sweden, through its US subsidiary Paradox Entertainment Inc. Paradox also claims copyrights on the stories written by other authors under license from Solomon Kane Inc. Since Robert E. Howard published his Solomon Kane stories at a time when the date of publication was the marker, the owners had to use the copyright symbol, and they had to renew after a certain time to maintain copyright, the exact status of all of Howard’s Solomon Kane works are in question.

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