Car Wars: Ballard, OK Map #5 Counters

This counter file is not necessary to download if you plan to play in Ballard, OK. However, I don’t know where else you’re going to find a scaled accurate counter for a 1957 Chevy Bel Air (Hambone’s pride and joy) All these vehicles are mentioned in the descriptions for Map #5 of Ballard.

Map #5 Vehicle counters lo-res

Hambone’s ’57 Chevy Bel Air
I tried to make this 1957 Chevy Bel Air as realistic as possible using Car Wars gas engine rules. Hambone is trying to restore it so it is neither armed nor armored.

Hambone’s Project Cars
These cars are decoration only for Hambone’s yard. The DM is free to add their own vehicles to the mix. If you want to stat out these vehicles please feel free to do so. I just wanted to give your map some variety.

Alex Murphy’s Van
Not currently mentioned in the Map #5 text, but Alex needs to get his trainees out and about somehow

Anne Murphy’s Van
Again not mentioned but she’ll need it. This vehicle is set up to run the injured over the Doc when needed.

The Pickups parked at 202 Main
The Marauders aren’t dumb, they’ll ride their bikes when raiding on I44. But when their home is being attacked they want more protection and firepower.

These vehicles are not necessary to play on the Ballard maps, but they are custom built to accurately portray the vehicles described.

Did you like these custom counters? Consider sending a couple of bucks to @AlienGraphics via PayPal

*PLEASE NOTE* This supplemental information was written for and intended to be used with Car Wars 2nd Edition rules and game play.

The map of Ballard is laid out on 12 21″x32″ maps.

Please contact us in the comments if you are interested in a full print run of Ballard.

All vehicles designed by Alien Graphics using the Car Wars Combat Garage. This is a VERY helpful design program that is still up and running. The save features have been disabled but you can still download and save your .pdf files. HIGHLY recommended.

All counters have been customized by Alien Graphics using artwork originally published by Steve Jackson Games. The original files are available for purchase as digital .pdf documents from Warehouse 23.

*End Note*

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